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Rebecca was born on the 26th April, 1999 by Caesarean section. Her birth weight was 3290grams (7lb 4oz), length 48.5cm. The op was a lengthy one as apparently there were more scar tissues to get through (eeeek). When she arrived the first thing the midwives said was "my what a hairy child", and she was. I remember the tears were flowing from the excitement of having a baby girl and how she arrived safe and sound.
There were a few hiccups during my pregnancy with Rebecca, I had a few bleeding episodes during the first 3 months which were quite scary. As I had already had 2 miscarriages, the thought of another was just terrifying, so you can imagine our relief that everything was okay (thank goodness). My whole pregnancy was hard to deal with. I wasnt able to keep any meals down long enough to digest (hope you are not eating) and I was always tired, so you can imagine my relief when she was finally born, the first thing I was hanging out for was a decent meal and a cup of coffee.
Its amazing how different Rebecca is to Jesse (well, the obvious of course), she was feeding (breastmilk) every 2 hours for at least 3 months her sleeping habits after that were 3-5 hours a night, if I was lucky. Yet Jesse slept right through (8hrs) at 3 months. But nevermind I guess that is what makes them individuals, right.
Well she is 7 months old now, crawling (mind you she started at 6 mths) and almost standing, yes, standing, can you believe it!! While she is on her hands & knees, she will lean back plant her feet flat to the ground, trying to stand, but as she is still not strong enough she either falls to the side or flat on her bottom (what a funny sight that is).
Well, enough of the story, here are some photos of Our little girl, she is so photogenic (I know I'm biased). These photos have been thumbnailed so if you would like to see them properly just click on them individually.
These photos are from her pre & post hospital days. Please excuse the way I look with the first photo, but as you can imagine not feeling very well, I wasn't exactly in the best of looks for this photo. The last photo was actually taken the day we left the hospital (she looks like a little sumo wrestler, doesn't she?) I actually sent this photo into a magazine and to my amazement she actually won $35 (wow).
Copyright © 2000-2002 Rebjess